Participating in a Turkey Bowl in Ripon

It’s that wonderful time of the year: the holidays are among us! You may be asking yourself the question, so what day is Thanksgiving Day 2019? If so, chances are you are working through a hectic to-do list! There’s the grocery list, the desserts menu list, and the panic-inducing guest list! With so much on your plate, let us help you. We have all things football covered! We have a great Thanksgiving Day Turkey Bowl suggestion near your beautiful Ripon apartments!

History of American Football on Thanksgiving

Football being played during Thanksgiving Day is a longstanding tradition. For about a century and a half, this tradition has become ingrained across the US. Many families wake up early on the morning of Thanksgiving Day and come together for a friendly game of football. There is nothing like watching your two favorite uncles hashing it out over a touchdown! We know there are many football games to watch on Thanksgiving. This year, why not have a game of your own?

Local Big Games

This year, join the CDX foundation as they host their 2019 Turkey Bowl Classic! The event will be held on November 30th, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm at Sheldon High School in Elk Grove, CA. This tournament is perfect for after your Black Friday shopping! Registration is open to all ages 14 and up. With your registration, you will receive a t-shirt, water, and snacks for all players! Get ready to punt, pass, and kick!

This is a great foundation for a worthy cause. The CDX foundation is a nonprofit organization that helps advocate for issues related to driving education. They aim to raise awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. For more information, please visit their site here.

Start a family Turkey Bowl tradition

If you are not already a part of this tradition, we encourage you to start this year! The Turkey Bowl tradition is a great way to bring your family together. It is also a great way to begin to establish fond memories, and the best part? You will finally get to see which of your cousins is the better athlete!

Will you and your family will participate in a Turkey Bowl? Let us know in the comments!