It’s about that time. It’s spring and it looks like it might be time to get the old broom and dust pan. Cleaning can be really fun, if you’re know what you’re doing. But a lot of you may be stuck and in deed of a few pointers. Well, don’t fret. There are some good ideas that should help keep your apartment clean. Here are some Spring cleaning tips for your apartment.

Cleaning The Faucet

A clean bathroom is an absolute must. It’s also important that the sink be just as spotless as the toilet and tub. But sometimes, you might catch some lime buildup around the faucet. What you want to do is lay down some paper towels over the fixture and soak it in vinegar. You should let it sit for about an hour or so. It will be much easier to clean that way.

Cleaning The Windows

Admittedly, this may seem like a bit of a chore for some. But keep the windows clean is also super important. You should definitely have a windshield squeegee ready for use. If not, grab a rag and some soapy water. Once you’re done, you dry them with another clean rag.

Cleaning The Ceiling Fan

How much dust do you notice on your ceiling fans? Too much, probably. Cover them with a coat of furniture polish and wipe away. That should definitely do the trick.