Add a twist to this Halloween season by decorating the inside of your home. Your guests will be scared and entertained all throughout their visit!
- Have multiple sets of eyes watching your guests’ every move by replacing chandelier shades with jack-‘o-lanterns. It is a creepy, eerie feeling knowing that someone is watching your every move.
- Those jack-‘o-lanterns may need backup, so hang these ghost fellows in your house. They are easy to make so you can hang dozens of them everywhere in the house. But remember to hang them high!
- Add black stickers with warning signs and mini pumpkins for those who dare to walk upstairs. They will definitely think twice before heading to the unknown.
- Continue the spookiness of your house by placing crocheted spider-webs in the guest room. Your guest will expect a comforting, inviting bedroom but no, catch them by surprise with this idea. Add spiders on the web to enhance the look.